The Adventure Begins (a month early)!

Welcome to our blog. 

My name is Cecilia and my official travel partner is Claire. We decided to create this blog in order to document and share our semester in Bali, Indonesia. In reading this blog we hope that you experience excitement and wanderlust, and feel inspired to take a trip somewhere new and exciting.

Both Claire and I are Anthropology majors at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, and we both chose to study abroad in Bali for the coming semester. Coincidentally, we also traveled to Italy together in January and had a grand old time. You could say that we are pretty much the same person, but first check out our individual pages and decide for yourself!


I tend to get a lot of questions when I tell people I’m an Anthropology major at a small college in the Midwest and I’m going to Bali for a semester.

Let me clear a few things up.

What’s an Anthropology major?

Well, it means that I study human behavior in the broad sense of culture, relationships, biology, and language.

Where is Bali?

Bali is an Island in Indonesia, which is in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is a largely Muslim country with over 237 million people and more than 17,000 islands. Bali has about 4 million people, roughly 84% of which are Hindu.

Why Bali?

Bali is known for its beauty, and as a microcosm of Hinduism in a Muslim country, it’s a fascinating place to go.

So here we are, a month before we depart for Bali, and things are getting busy. There are vaccinations to get, visas to apply for, and a plethora of travel items to buy. Luckily for us, we can pack our light summer clothes, and leave our heavy winter coats behind. In our preparations we are getting excited – and nervous! What to pack? What to buy? Can I bring my dog? Endless questions and confusions will bring us closer and closer to the day of departure – August 31st!

Please leave us comments with any feedback and travel tips! We are eager to take you with us on this exciting adventure!

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